
2017-10-09 20:25:38 office 75

Here are some selected feedback comments from 30-Day Juice Recipe Challenge.  LuckBard's customers can email to your specific salesman to get your specific 30-days juice challenge recipe plan.

 I am really loving doing this challenge. I started on Boxing Day so really about 20 days done. I have lost 1 kilo in just over a week and am pleased with that. sometimes I replace lunch with a glass of juice and have another glass for a refreshing drink when weather is a bit warmer late afternoon. definitely the way to go. I try and use whatever vegies and fruit I have so don't always stick to your daily recipes. 


 The 30 day challenge helped me drop my cholesterol 52 points and my triglycerides 800 point in just 30 days of juicing once a day. 


 really enjoy you site. we started out with the 30 day challenge some months ago. didn't have any idea how to start. visited several sites , none compare to what you offer. haven't commented on here before, or any site for that matter, but as much as we "use" your services, thought i'd take the time and brag on you. 


 Decided to start juicing a few weeks ago. Here's a pic of my very first juice! I selected my juicer based on your fantastic website and am in the midst of the 30-day challenge. Thanks for making it easy and fun to juice! 


 I started your 30 day challenge at the end of January, and had my physical in March, which included blood work and am ecstatic to report that my triglyceride numbers went from 519 down to 288! My doctor said that I no longer need to take my medication. Also, by adding aloe vera juice to your recipes, I no longer need my heartburn medicine. I am so excited and thankful that I no longer have to be tied down to a pill bottle!!! Thank you so much for helping to give me the tools to make these changes in my life. Not only are the recipes on the websites wonderful, but the e-mails that you send out telling about your struggles and how you overcame them are an inspiration that helps to keep me going. Thank you for all you do and keep up the great work!!! 






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